Join Us

1. FORM(B) for [Bensonhurst] & FORM(C) for [Sheephead Bay] location,
2. Each form is up to 3 students per family,
3. Fill in all information required for both student and the guardian,
4. Select the location, schedule, and the type of sport(s) that you are going to sign up,
5. Fill in emergency contact information,
6. Print-out and sign both of the “Student Waiver Form” & “Health Record Form”,
7. A Full Payment must be mailed with the registration form before 12/31/19 payable to:

P.O.BOX 580182, FLUSHING, NY 11358

8. Our administrative staffs will contact you by phone when we have received your application

 First Come First Serve Based!

 1. 報名表格B [賓臣墟] 或用 表格C [羊頭灣]
2. 填寫所有學生和監護人的資料,
3. 選擇合適的上課地點,課程時間和運動項目,
4. 填寫緊急聯絡電話資料,和簽家長授權,
5. 每人須繳交全費支票 ,與報名表格一起支付到:

P.O.BOX 580182, FLUSHING, NY 11358

6. 收到表格後,我們的工作人員將會電話通知你們。

☺ 請注意 ! 所有新學生在報名時,需填寫學生同意書,並繳交學費


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